Hospice and Technological Dilemmas (running time: 3 min 18 sec)
The advancement of technology has, thankfully, improved both the quantity and quality of life. We’ve learned much about when to start technologized medical care. What we are still learning is how to stop technology when it no longer improves quality or quantity of life. This video on implanted defibrillators (as well as the video on prognostication) can precipitate thought-provoking discussion about the use of technology at the end of life. It highlights some of the moral dilemmas that confront patients, families, and professionals as technological advances cause tricky decision-making processes for all involved.
(2017. Playing time: 39 min)
Deborah Grassman talks with Tina Ketchie Stearns about what a Soul Injury® is, why we should be concerned with Soul Injury®, and how you can help people with Soul Injury®. Tina is Speaker, Educator and Author who has worked in the hospice and elder care industry for many years educating medical professionals and caregivers about hospice and end of life care, advance care planning, care giving, long term care communities and grief.
This session is from the Caregiver Coalition of Northeast Florida’s Virtual Caring for the Veteran Caregiver Conference on September 25th, 2020. Featuring Deborah Grassman, ARNP of Opus Peace.
Liberating Unmourned Loss/Hurt & Unforgiven Guilt/Shame The mental and emotional injuries that accompany trauma are readily identified. Less recognized are the insidious wounds that occur with trauma and, indeed, with all of us when we become separated from our real self. Whether traumatic or insidious, Soul Injuries® cut us off from the energy of our deepest self, robbing us of the essence of our being. Connecting with the part of self generating the pain, paradoxically, restores wholeness. Thus, soul restoration includes learning how to re-own, re-home, and revitalize scattered pieces of self by cultivating personal intimacy with the part of self carrying our emotional pain. The basis for addressing Soul Injury® originated with a group of VA hospice nurses who cared for 10,000 dying Veterans. The nurses witnessed Soul Injuries® firsthand as they surfaced unbidden on combat Veterans’ deathbeds. Let “warrior wisdom” show you how the heart can be disarmed from fear and revitalized through love, forgiveness, and self-compassion – a process that “restoreths the soul.”