Books by Deborah Grassman

Is it possible that you have acquired a Soul Injury? A Soul Injury is a wound that separates you from your real self. The “real self” not only includes the “best version” of yourself, it includes the worst version and everything in-between: the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. You may not be healed by the words on these pages, but you might meet your brave self – the part of self that is holding your un-mourned loss/hurt, unforgiven guilt/shame, and fear of helplessness/loss of control. It is often quite a reunion!

This book describes how to cultivate personal peace by re-owning and re-homing scattered pieces of self to restore wholeness. A 3-step process of abiding, reckoning, and BE-holding helps readers to face parts of themselves that they have been avoiding, neglecting, or hiding. Heal abuse, bring peace to broken relationships, face death, and feel empowered

Be inspired by stories of pain, redemption, personal awakening, and peace to help caregivers, family members, and veterans understand the impact of war, violence, and military culture on the lives and emotions of themselves and their loved ones. This book provides lessons and tools for intervention that will inspire understanding and growth.

Products from Opus Peace Press


Seek peace, find peace, master peace in these books. Whether you read or you listen to the words on these pages, you won’t forget the stories that are here. They will leave footprints on your heart.

  • Soul Injury: Healing the Relationship You Have with Yourself. Learn how to release the barriers separating you from YOU!
  • The Hero Within: Redeeming the Destiny You Were Born to Fulfill. Discover a self-compassioning process that allows you to inhabit yourself more completely.
  • Peace at Last: Hope and Healing for Veterans and their Families. Veterans in hospice care might surprise you with lessons about attaining personal peace. Ironically, these lessons come from people who had been put to the ultimate peace-seeking test – they had been trained for war!

Start a book community with friends, neighbors, family members, or workmates to provide hope and strength as you explore self-discovery together.

DVDs and Films

Use these visual resources to address Soul Injuries. This includes helping people move from:

  • Numbing their pain, to mourning their pain
  • Hiding their guilt, to using their guilt to learn how to forgive themselves and others
  • Being ashamed of not being “good enough,” to releasing their fear of who they are and who they are not
  • Controlling things they have no control over, to feeling their helplessness and loss of control so they can cultivate the courage to “let it be”

Four films are available for you to explore. Soul Injury provides an overview of the Soul Injury concept. Liberating Un-mourned Loss and Hurt will help you diminish your fear of emotional pain so that you can have less of a relationship with your numbing agents and more of a relationship with your soul. The Dare to Forgive! film offers stories and practices that cultivate the capacity to be in one accord with yourself and others. Go in Peace highlights helping veterans to “die healed” as they come to the end of their lives.

MasterPEACE Online Learning

Treat yourself or someone else to an on-line course that helps you heal the relationship that you have with yourself. An array of topics is available: Soul Injury, Self-Compassioning, Trauma & the Brain, Forgiveness, Aging, Veterans, Fear of Emotional Pain, Releasing Emotional Pain, Helplessness & Loss of Control, Sexual Trauma, Anchor Your Heart, and Wholistic Tools. The first lesson of each course is FREE.

Opus Peace Books and the Opus Peace MasterPEACE online courses are great resources for starting a community of learning with your friends, family, co-workers, and community members.

Book Communities:

Create an Opus Peace community to learn and grow together.
Family members, neighbors, workmates, faith community groups
can be gathered to create meaningful gatherings that make discoveries together.
Yourfriends will thank you. Your family will thank you. Your community will thank you.




MasterrPEACE Communities

Study a MasterPEACE course with a group of people. Show a short video each week followed by a group discussion and prepare yourself for some meaningful discussions! An array of topics is available: Soul Injury, Self-Compassioning, Trauma & the Brain, Forgiveness, Aging, Veterans, Fear of Emotional Pain, Releasing Emotional Pain, Helplessness & Loss of Control, Sexual Trauma, Anchor Your Heart, and Wholistic Tools.  Opus Peace provides you with an easy to use facilitator’s guide to help you with your MasterPEACE community.

Meet the Authors

Deborah Grassman

Deborah Grassman is the author of three books: Peace at Last, The Hero Within, and Soul Injury, a contributing author for four textbooks, and has 25 published articles. There are four documentary films and a TED talk that feature her work. However, none of these achievements have taught her as much as the 10,000 dying veterans she took care of as a VA hospice Nurse Practitioner for 30 years: “If anyone wants to learn how to achieve inner peace, ask a veteran who has successfully struggled to find it for the rest of their lives after they returned from war.” The lessons she learned culminated into a concept known as “Soul Injury,” a wound that separates a person from their own sense of self. Deborah now provides presentations and workshops that can help anyone recover their loss of self-worth by healing the relationship that they have with themselves.


Everyone has a story. You may be an ordinary person who thinks your story does not matter, but it does. Ordinary people become heroes as they struggle with barriers that separate them from their real self. Sharing your struggle might matter to someone else. Writing that story might mean that other people learn from your experience. You might even come to realize that the only difference between “ordinary” people and “heroes” is that heroes don’t waste their suffering!

Opus Peace Press publishes stories about recovering from Soul Injuries. Soul Injuries especially impact marginalized populations – populations that are made to feel “less than” because of their race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. It is often at the heart of addictions. Soul Injuries include childhood wounds that often persist throughout a lifetime, such as being bullied, placed in foster care, or made to feel “not good enough” by significant figures in the child’s life. Sexual trauma is especially effective in causing a sense of self to disappear. Elderly people are not immune from Soul Injuries if they start to feel “invisible” due to loss of society’s respect or value for them. Significant loss of personal health or the death of a loved one are other common losses that sometimes evolve into a Soul Injury.


If you have experienced a Soul Injury and have used the Soul Injury self-help tools to reconnect with scattered pieces of yourself so that wholeness could be restored, we want to hear from you. If you are willing to work with editors to write your story so that others can benefit from your experience, contact us. There is a gaping hole in our society filled with un-mourned loss/hurt, unforgiven guilt/shame, and fear of helplessness/loss of control. It is causing fear, strife, hatred, despair, suicide, and war. Help us heal the Soul Injury that all of us share. We can do this together – one person at a time, one story at a time…