At Opus Peace, we strive to honestly, courageously, and humbly facilitate relief from suffering by providing affordable educational support and self-help tools in a safe emotional environment that contributes to the well-being of individuals, families, and organizations. We are truly humbled that you want to help us achieve that. We take your generosity and financial commitment to advance the Soul Injury® message seriously. We pledge to you that we will allow neither fear nor personal/organizational ego interfere with Opus Peace financial decision-making or policies. Rather, when fear lures us into ego, we will acknowledge it and realign ourselves with our mission so that grace can fuel us.
Your donations are tax deductible. To express our appreciation for your generosity, you will receive some of our audiobooks and videos.
Pat McGuire is the co-Founder of Opus Peace and has been a passionate advocate for providing Soul Injury® Institute Leadership training because “I have witnessed the peace these self-help tools bring to people’s lives!” Soul Injury® 4-day Institute utilizes an “unburdening process” that releases barriers that disconnect people from who they are meant to be. Those barriers are: unmourned loss/hurt, unforgiven guilt/shame, and fear of helplessness/loss of control. Scholarship candidates complete an application that identifies their need and demonstrates how they will utilize the training to bring the Soul Injury® message to others in their community.
You can restrict your donation to the Pat McGuire Scholarship fund to put your donation toward helping someone in need pay for Opus Peace resources.
The St. Anthony Triathlon is a 39- year tradition in St. Petersburg Florida. After they retired, the Opus Peace founders participated in the full Olympic version. It has now become a fund-raiser for the Opus Peace Non-profit organization with competition among founders, board members, and volunteers to see who can raise the most funds. In 2022, Founder Deborah Grassman lost to the Opus Peace Board-backed team. “There’s always next year…” How did such an ambitious adventure begin upon retirement?
Thank you for taking the risk to be part of a small group of thoughtful people who are committed to a message about the cultivation of personal peace-a message that, ironically, has been attained from people who were trained for war.
*Disclaimer registration #: CH61686. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free 1-800-435-7352 within the state or at Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the State.