Home Health Care Nurse online. Helping soldiers “make peace; creating a safe emotional environment.
Arizona Geriatrics Society Journal. Vol.23 (2). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Soul Injury: The Aftermath of War that Complicate Peaceful Dying. This scholarly paper provides lessons that inform geriatric healthcare delivery for veterans and their families, including how to respond to an overlooked, unassessed wound, now named ‘soul injury’, and distinguishes soul injury from moral injury.
Indian Journal of Palliative Care. Vol.13 (2). Facing Death: Awakening a Passion for Life. A POW’s terrifying experiences breaks him open to a passion-filled life and a “blissful” death.
Oncology Nursing Forum. Vol.20 (4). Development of Inpatient Oncology Programs: Few words can evoke such an immediate, adverse, life-changing reaction as the word “cancer”. Read about a multi-disciplinary teaching program that empowers oncology patients and their families.
An interdisciplinary team approach at the patient’s bedside in collaboration with the family. A time to listen and understand the special concerns of the patient and family.