Tools developed by the Opus Peace team were evalu
ated to explore their effectiveness when used for personal
growth and professional development, and in clinical prac
tice. Twelve tools, interventions, and training experiences
presented during the 4-day Institute were assessed: Opus
Peace Prayer, Write/Tell Your Story, institute presentations,
presenter personal stories, Soul Injury definition, Soul Injury
Inventory, Anchor Your Heart tool, veteran ceremonies,
caregiver ceremonies, interactive activities, Seven Steps for
Living and Dying Healed, and small group discussions. In
this study, these tools were evaluated for impact and inte
gration at personal and professional levels across 3 time
frames: at the time of the Soul Injury training, immediately
after the training, and at the time of the survey.
Accepting the Ashes: A Daughter’s look at military PTSD. Download this free audiobook for Veterans and their loved ones.
Natural Transitions. Military experiences often change veterans in fundamental ways that shape, mold, destroy, and redeem the rest of their lives, including the end of their lives.
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing. Education is needed to inform those working in home and non-VA facilities to help understand the special needs of veterans at end of life.
Liv Fun. Vol.5 (1). Unfaithful. Have you cheated your “self” out of the real experience of growing older?
American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care Medicine. Vol. 23 (3). The Threshold of Death: Fertile Ground for Healing. Dying people are fertile ground for healing. With some guidance, this patient healed his bitterness, expressing love and gratitude.
Healing Ministry. Vol.12 (4). Pride and Prejudice Transformed. Helping patients ‘die healed’ sometimes involves tricky confrontation with their racism.
zLiving With Grief-Aging America. HFA.If aging is a poison, is it possible it might be a healing poison? This potential reality requires changing our relationship to the numerous, multi-dimensional losses incurred throughout the aging process.
American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care Medicine. Vol. 22 (3). Defibrillator De-Activation: Technologies pose many ethical decisions at the end of life – ethical guidelines are often not provided when the technology emerges.