Soul Injury® inventory

Many people have acquired Soul Injuries® at one time or another. Take this quick inventory to increase awareness about the possibility for yourself.

Select the box, next to the answer, that most closely reflects your experience most of the time:

Welcome to your Soul Injury® inventory

I am not able to be my real self.

I engage in some activities to help me avoid uncomfortable feelings.

When I avoid uncomfortable feelings, it often causes problems with people in my life.

I have a hard time facing feelings of helplessness, loss of control, and change.

Guilt and/or shame haunt me.

I feel defective, inadequate, or unworthy.

Self-compassion and connection with my real (authentic) self are difficult for me.

I struggle to find meaning in my life.

*DISCLAIMER: This self-awareness tool inventory should not be understood as providing any type of diagnosis or healthcare recommendations. Self-administered screening tools surveys such as the Soul Injury Self-Awareness Tool Inventory are designed to enhance awareness of one’s own experiences for the purpose of raising awareness of feelings and experiences related to possible Soul Injuries. Highlighting these experiences may offer you an opportunity to reflect on them at greater length, or to consider their relevance in a broader life context. Please seek the advice of counseling professionals (such as physicians, mental health counselors, clergy, social workers, et al.) who specialize in grief, loss, forgiveness, and self-compassion regarding the evaluation of any specific information, opinions, advice, or follow-up care.