Presentation a collaborative effort with St. Pete College and Tidewell Hospice
Few people have been with 10,000 dying veterans. Five VA hospice nurses have.
What these nurses witnessed is
providing lessons for the rest of the world. The lessons are about how to attain personal peace, and ironically, these
lessons have come from people who were trained for war and from people who were dying. The nurses discovered
a phenomenon that has is now identified as “Soul Injury.”
This 8hr zoom presentation will be broken into four distinct modules:
Soul Injury: A Wound to Your Sense of BEing
Liberating Un-mourned Loss and Hurt
Fear of Helplessness
Registration Link:
For registration assistance contact: 727-344-8027
For course information, contact: 727-341-4631
St. Petersburg College is committed to equal access/equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment. For additional information
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