Easing Caregiver Distress and Wholistic Tools Workshop

What if you already have everything you need in order to be whole? What if it’s not about overcoming, enduring, or rising above hardships but rather learning how to connect with who you already are? This workshop is designed to help people re-connect scattered pieces of themselves, so they become more whole. Learn self-help tools that will help you experience the grace of your BE-ing.

BROKn Halo Lodge @ Solitude Farmz

Preston, NY

Continental breakfast and light lunch included

CEs for nurses and social workers


$100 per person

$75 per person for groups of 3 or more

$50 for Veterans

To register email Relax@solitudefarmz.com


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Total Seats: 15 (15 Left:)

Event Schedule Details

  • July 8, 2022 9:00 am   -   3:00 pm
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